- The perfect sphere was a mythical creature that was killed by some Greek guy... or something. Now, there are five different emo bands with that name; one of which, ironically, is made up of Greek pro-lifers.
- A line which bisects a right angle must say "Excuse me" and mean it.
- The area of a circle is the area inside the one line. Forget about measuring the outside part.
- A line segment running from A to B moonwalks from B to A.
- A circle only has one side unless it's a snowman, then it has three sides and must be called a triangle.
- Parallel planes will probably not land safely.
- The sum of all interior angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees, but it was only budgeted at 260.
- The hypotenuse is a funny word for "line," but you shouldn't laugh at it or confuse it with Hippo Tennis, which you can laugh at all you want.
- Given a square with vertices M, N, O, and P, we know that its name could be NOMP.
- Parallel lines is an album by Blondie.
- The volume of a cone is defined by a positive attitude.
- When two circles intersect, we can only hope it's consensual.
- A line might be made of an infinite number of points, but scientists are still counting.
- An ellipse could be a circle with untreated depression. Try your best to address the topic in a direct, but caring, manner.
- The distance between any two points on a line can be measured by line-measuring robots.
- Some parabolas kind of look like boobies.
- Squares hate the sun.