August 17, 2007

Critical Commentary about This Website with My Responses

"A Play A Day & Lysteria is a sophomoric attempt to shock the median internet demographic."

My Response: Your mom is a sophomoric attempt to shock the median internet demographic.

"Your time would be better spent surfing dancing hamster and baby websites than this juvenile tripe."

My Response: Your time would be better spent surfing your mom than this juvenile your mom.

"The site, while passably clever at times, too often descends into mean-spirited sexual degradation and schoolyard retorts."

My Response: Your mom, while passably your mom at times, too often descends into mean-spirited sexual degradation and your mom retorts.

"Completely worthless."

My Response: Completely your momless.

"I've seen funnier commentary in high school yearbooks."

My Response: I've your mommed funnier your mommentary in your mom school your mom books.

"I do not appreciate my son's rather weak attempts to vent his frustrations at the world through the use of crude language and bitter satire. I was a better mother to him than his writing might imply."

My Response: My grandmother!

"Your mom!"

My Response: Your words hurt, you know.

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