July 9, 2006

A Play A Day #87

She Swore?

Clara (fifth grader)
Gertrude (same)

Setting: A girl's bedroom, Clara and Gertrude are sitting on the bed. They are talking in the over-excited, over-the-top way that fifth graders do.

Clara: Serious?!

Gertrude: Mmm-hmm!

C: She said that?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: To you!?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: In class!!?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Sister Mary?!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Today!?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Ohmigod! Ohmigod! She's going to hell!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Did everyone hear her?!

G: Mmm-hmm?

C: I bet the whole school knows about it now!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: She's going to get fired!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: And then go to hell!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Do you think the Mother Superior knows?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Are your parents going to do anything about it?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Good! They should stand up for you!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: This was right at the end of class?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: She kept asking you questions?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Then she just yelled it at you?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: She said, "Don't you ever say anything, damnit"?!!!?

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: Did you answer her?!

G: Mmm-hmm!

C: What did you say?!

G: (very happily, upbeat) Fuck you, whore!

(lights out immediately)



Brendon Etter said...

Dear Reader,

Bleeet will not be near a computer for the next six days or so. He will publish six plays or so when he returns. Do stay tuned.

Sister Mary
Communications Director
A Play A Day, Inc.

emcee emdee said...

Ahhhhhhh! Some well-deserved time away from your computer and the velvet-lined iron maiden that is your daily muse.

If Archbishop Flynn comes looking for you, I'll tell him he just has to post a comment like the rest of us.