July 8, 2006

A Play A Day #86

I'm Going To Miss This


Setting: Two sofas. Jit's stretched out on one, Vit's on the other. They change position as they see fit.

Pacing: Laconic, maybe even lethargic.

Vit: You know, Jit, this just doesn't happen every day.

Jit: I think you're probably right about that, Vit.

V: Yes, I believe I am.

J: Sure.

(long pause, signifying nothing)

J: Sure.

V: Yes, I believe I am.

J: I guess you're probably right about that.

V: Yep, you know it just doesn't happen every day.

(long pause)

J: It's actually never happened to me before.

V: Me either.

J: Well, that's odd.

V: Yes, quite odd.

(long pause)

J: Hey, Vit.

V: Yeah, Jit.

J: Did you ever wonder...

V: Yes, I have.

J: I mean, did you ever wonder...

V: Yes, yes, I have.

J: Yeah, sure, but have you ever really Wondered?

V: No, I guess I haven't.

J: Yeah, I thought so.

(long pause)

V: So, Jit, have you ever really wondered, then?

J: What do you mean, Vit?

V: I mean, like, have you ever really wondered?

J: I don't think so.

V: No, I mean, have you ever really, you know, Wondered?

J: Yes, I have.

V: Yeah? About what?

J: Have I wondered?

V: Yeah? About what?

J: What are we talking about.

V: What you've wondered about.

J: Exactly, I've wondered what we are talking about.

V: When?

J: Just now.

V: Just now, what?

J: I wondered what we are talking about.

V: We are talking about what you've wondered about.

J: Yes.

V: What?

J: Yes.

V: So, what have you wondered about?

J: I've wondered about what we are talking about.

V: Yeeeeeaaaaah....

(long pause, signifying even less than before)

J: So, Vit.

V: Yeah, Jit.

J: What are we talking about?

V: No idea.

J: Yeah. I thought so.

(long pause)

V: You know, this just doesn't happen everyday.

J: No, it sure doesn't.

V: You know what, Jit?

J: What, Vit?

V: Even though this has never happened to me, and even though I have no idea what we are talking about, I'm going to miss this when it's gone.

J: Sure, that makes sense to me.

V: Me too.

(long pause)

J: So, Vit?

V: Yeah, Jit?

J: Can I... ask you something?

V: Sure, go ahead.

J: Whose house are we in?

V: No idea.

J: And, Vit?

V: Yeah, Jit?

J: Can I ask you something... else?

V: Why not?

J: Why'd we set the basement on fire?

V: I just don't know.

(lights fade, long pause)

J: Vit?

V: Jit.

J: Can we go now?

V: Hard to say.

(lights out)


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