May 7, 2006

A Play A Day #24

First And Second And Third In Third


We: Hey! Hey! Them! Yoo-hoo!! Hey! Yeah! It's We. We. Remember We? Them met We at that party a couple months ago? Out at Us's cabin? By Long Lake?

Them: Oh... yeah!!! How is We doing? Boy, it's been a long time, hasn't it?!

We: We'll say, Them! Couple months...

Them: Is that all? Feels like years! We know what Them means?

We: Who've Them brought along with Them today. Hi! We don't think We know your name? (You cringes)

Them: (pulling We aside a bit) Careful what We say, We... You here just broke up with Your a few days ago. Still pretty fresh in You's mind.... We this is You! You this is We, an old friend of Them's from months back.

You: How do We do? Nice to meet We.

We: Same here. Say, sorry about You's and Your's relationship turning sour. We didn't mean anything by that thing We said.

You: No, don't worry about it. Your's past. Old news. You is moving on. Your was just too possessive.

We: We had always heard only good things about Your, but You know what They say? It's always worse once You know someone better!

They: (entering with Us)They never said that! Not about You anyway. People in general, maybe, but not You.

We: (joking around, happy to see They and Us) Yes, They did; We know We heard They say that! How are things, They! Us! Man, it's great to see Us again! Always a pleasure.

Us: Hey! Right back at We! Us missed We! Been too long. (to You) You? Right? (You nods) Us thought so. Actually They told Us when Us and They were walking over. Have to confess that. Us's usually terrible with names.

They: Yeah, Us is. That's why Us brings They along!

Them: What is going on, everyone. We, Us, They, Them and You should go somewhere! Heard there's a great new restaurant on Fifth that...

You: Nix! Your works there.

Them: Sorry, You! Them totally forgot that.

We: Well! We knows that Everyone's Pub serves free peanuts with All-Anyone-Can-Eat meatballs in about thirty minutes. How about that?

Us: Ohhh... Us don't know... Us am a vegetarian.

They: Everyone serves salads too, Us. They think.

You: Yes, They is right. You know Everyone's has several meatless entrees too. No worries.

Them: Cool! Everyone up for Everyone?

Us: Count Us in.

We: And We too!

They: They can go.

Them: You? You are up for it?

You: Sure You am!

Them: Alright, let all go then!

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