February 18, 2012

Other Systems of Government Which, for very good reasons, You've Never Heard Of

1. Otterocracy - rule by otters

2. Philosocracy - rule by losers named Phil

3. Technocracy - rule by Daft Punk

4. Ocracy - rule by n/a

5. Hypocrisyocracy - rule by those who insist that ruling is wrong

6. Obliviocracy - rule by those who don't realize they are in charge

7. Antiobliviocracy - rule by those who realize they are not in charge

8. Orthodocracy - rule by rule alone

9. Plutoocracy - rule by bitter former planets

10. Olliolliocracy - rule by people who are tired of trying to find people to rule over

11. Mocracy - rule by ridicule

12 - Ambidextrocracy - rule by the right or left, but never both

13 - Fucracry - rule by missionaries

14 - Quasimetacracy - rule by rulers who might rule over those rulers

15 - Blahcracy - rule by whatever, you know?

16 - Domocracy - Rule!

17 - Omgocracy - rule by an unexpected or surprising turn of events

18 - Anagramocracy - rule by lure

19 - Ocraocraocracy - rule by the rule of those who rule

20 - Opracy - rule by female daytime talk show hosts

21 - Knocknocracy - rule by obvious set-up

22 - Ahhhhhhcracy - rule by the most adorable

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